Blended Scotch Whiskey
Showing all 17 results
Hampton Dram Blended Whiskey 750ml
Hampton Dram is a strong blend of double grain malts of Barley and Rye, forged with the finest American malt and selected Indian Grains. It is then finished in Bourbon Casks. Hampton Dram has an oak and charred wood character with spice and Cinnamon Notes.
SKU: 8906120780179 -
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Chivas 12 is smooth, rich and generous. It’s a blend of the finest malt and grain whiskies matured for at least 12 years, that deliver luxurious honey, vanilla and ripe apple notes.
Because blended is better, in life and in Scotch.SKU: 080432400395 -
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Chivas 12 is smooth, rich and generous. It’s a blend of the finest malt and grain whiskies matured for at least 12 years, that deliver luxurious honey, vanilla and ripe apple notes.
Because blended is better, in life and in Scotch.SKU: 080432400432 -
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits
Chivas Regal Extra Blended Scotch Whisky – 750ml
Chivas Extra is born from painstaking craft. Our carefully selected first-fill Oloroso sherry casks magnify the richness and intensity of flavour, imbuing it with a deep amber colour. This extra special whisky is best served with a little extra company.
Because blended is better, in life and in Scotch.SKU: 5000299611197 -
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits
Famous Grouse Whisky – 1L
One of the world’s most popular blends, and the best-selling Scotch whisky in Scotland. Famous Grouse is a very nicely balanced, malty blend which was first made in 1896, and would go on to be known as The Famous Grouse, with the name registered in 1905. Around eighty years later, the company was awarded a Royal Warrant. The blend represents great value for money, and it also works beautiful in whisky-based cocktails. Delicious.
SKU: 5010314101015 -
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits
Famous Grouse Whisky – 750ml
One of the world’s most popular blends, and the best-selling Scotch whisky in Scotland. Famous Grouse is a very nicely balanced, malty blend which was first made in 1896, and would go on to be known as The Famous Grouse, with the name registered in 1905. Around eighty years later, the company was awarded a Royal Warrant. The blend represents great value for money, and it also works beautiful in whisky-based cocktails. Delicious.
Nose: A crisp, light nose offering up notes of toffee apples, hints of dried flowers and biscuity barley.
Palate: Balanced, biscuit-laden palate with a core of thick, creamy malt. Just a hint of spice and the vaguest whisper of smoke really bring a great deal of complexity.
Finish: A slightly sweet, malty finish.
Overall: A very malty, biscuity blend. It’s easy to see why this is so popular in Scotland!
SKU: 5010314750008 -
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Johnnie Walker RED LABEL- 250ml
THE JOHNIE WALKER PIONEERING BLEND LET OFFTHE LEASH.Flowers that bloom into flames. Johnnie Walker Red Label is the world’s best-selling Scotch Whisky. And is made for mixing, both in exhilarating cocktails and with your favorite people. It brings together whiskies specially chosen for their bold, vibrant flavors that add a fiery kick to any mixSKU: 5000267014609 -
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Johnnie Walker RED LABEL -750ml
THE JOHNIE WALKER PIONEERING BLEND LET OFFTHE LEASH.Flowers that bloom into flames. Johnnie Walker Red Label is the world’s best-selling Scotch Whisky. And is made for mixing, both in exhilarating cocktails and with your favorite people. It brings together whiskies specially chosen for their bold, vibrant flavors that add a fiery kick to any mixSKU: 5000267014005 -
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Johnnie Walker Black Label is a true icon, recognized as the benchmark for all other deluxe blends. Created using only whiskies aged for a minimum of 12 years from the four corners of Scotland, Johnnie Walker Black Label has an unmistakably smooth, deep character. An impressive whisky to share on any occasion, whether you’re entertaining at home or on a night out with friends.
SKU: 5000267024608 -
Scotch Whiskey, Whiskey
Originally released to the travel retail market, Double Black combines the rich, malty flavour of Black Label with slightly peatier whisky and casks that were more heavily charred. The result is a toasty, smoky whisky with Johnnie Walker’s usual rich, malty core.
NOSETake in the delicious scent of sweet smoke and cloves.
PALATERelish the unmistakably peaty taste – rich with raisins, fresh apples and a tropical orange flavor combined with creamy vanilla.
FINISHEvolving to a wonderfully long, warming finish. The smoldering spice from oak-aged casks makes for a powerful and lingering smokiness.SKU: 5000267112077 -
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Johnnie Walker RED LABEL -1L
THE JOHNIE WALKER PIONEERING BLEND LET OFFTHE LEASH.Flowers that bloom into flames. Johnnie Walker Red Label is the world’s best-selling Scotch Whisky. And is made for mixing, both in exhilarating cocktails and with your favorite people. It brings together whiskies specially chosen for their bold, vibrant flavors that add a fiery kick to any mixSKU: 5000267013602 -
Spirits, Whiskey
Old Smuggler Whisky 750ml
Old Smuggler is a blend of whisky with a unique, fine and smooth taste attributed to the blend of forty grain and malt whiskeys. Old Smuggler is a Scottish blend of whisky with a unique taste attributed to the blend of forty grain and malt whiskeys from the Scottish Highlands, Lowlands and Islay.
SKU: 5010327605005 -
Royal Salute 21 Year Old
In 1953, the young Princess Elizabeth ascended the throne. The occasion called for a tribute fit for a queen and so an exquisite blend was created using whisky from Strathisla, the oldest working distillery in the Scottish Highlands. It was given the name Royal Salute – after the famous 21-gun-salute – and so began the story of a remarkable whisky.
On the nose, there are notes of sweet orange and peaches, balanced perfectly with smouldering bonfire embers.
Take a sip, and enjoy the fruits of all this labour. Relish sweet, juicy pears, fresh hazelnuts and charred orange rind balanced perfectly with aromatic, smoky peat.
At the heart of The Lost Blend are rare whiskies rescued from distilleries that have vanished into the mist.
SKU: 5000299211243 -
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits
VAT 69 – 750ml
VAT 69 is a Scotch blended whisky created by William Sanderson & Son Limited of South Queensferry, Scotland, now part of Diageo.
Despite its name, VAT 69 is not a vatted malt, but a blend of about 40 malt and grain whiskies. VAT 69 Reserve carries no standard age statement because of the combination of the malts and grains.
It is a famous old brand of blended whisky, chosen by Sir Ernest Shackleton to accompany him on his Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1914 ‘for medicinal and celebratory purposes’, and also famously the favourite whisky of Captain Lewis Nixon of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, immortalised in the book and TV series Band of Brothers.
SKU: 5000292001001