Captain Morgan Gold is smooth and medium bodied with a bright amber color. It is curated with an expert blend of natural flavors, spices and refined Caribbean rum. On the nose are aromas of brown sugar, vanilla, dried fruit, warming spices and delicate hints of oak. It has a perfect balance on the palate and the finish is nice and smooth. Served best in a tankard over ice, with cola and a slice of lime.
Showing 73–96 of 106 results
Rum, Spirits
Captain Morgan Jamaica Rum -750ml
The Captain’s Dark Rum isn’t just any old seafarer’s grog.
To create the perfect dark rum to keep the Captain’s men going across the seven seas, Captain Morgan Dark Rum is aged for at least two years in charred oak barrels for that heavenly oak finish, before being blended according to our very own secret recipe.
The smooth, rich and oaky taste of Captain Morgan Dark Rum makes it the perfect tipple to be drunk neat or moored on the rocks.
For a real rum punch, you can mix into one of the Captain’s favourite dark rum cocktails. Mix with ginger ale for a simple yet delicious concoction the Captain calls his Captain’s Storm or go all out and mix with Captain Morgan Coconut Rum and orange liqueur to create his marvelous Mai Tai.
SKU: 8700000693 -
Irish Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Triple distilled, twice as smooth, one of a kind.
Jameson Irish Whiskey is a blended Irish whiskey. What’s that we hear you say. Well first we take the best of pot still and fine grain whiskeys. Then we triple distil them – not because we have to because we want to as it gives it its signature smoothness. Finally, we age them in oak casks for a minimum of 4 years.
SKU: 5011007003029 -
Irish Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Jameson Black Barrel – 750ml
Triple distilled, twice charred, Irish Whiskey
Charring is an age-old method for invigorating barrels to intensify the taste. Jameson Black Barrel is our tribute to our coopers, who painstakingly give their bourbon barrels an additional charring to reveal their untold richness and complexity. Because every barrel contains secrets; the trick is coaxing them out.
Time spent maturing in these barrels leads to intensified aromas of butterscotch, fudge and creamy toffee.
Nutty notes are in abundance alongside the smooth sweetness of spice and vanilla.
Enjoy the richness and intensity of toasted wood and vanilla.
SKU: 5011007024000 -
Irish Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Jameson Crested Triple distilled Irish Whiskey- 750ml
Jameson Crested is a tribute to the first drops bottled at The Bow Street Distillery and it is Jameson’s oldest distillery bottled brand. It reveals delicate sherry undertones and toasted wood, with fruit, spice and chocolate notes.
We didn’t always bottle our own whiskey but sold it to bonders in casks for bottling. Some unscrupulous merchants were found to be adding water to the whiskey to increase their profits hence damaging the Jameson brand. In 1963 we decided to take control over the whole process. It has been for sale in Ireland ever since.
Whiskey Type Pot still whiskey and grain whiskey.
Cask Type Matured in American bourbon barrels and Spanish sherry butts.
Volume 700ml
Alcohol 40%
Nose Vivid sherry pot still aroma.
Taste Delicate sherry undertones and toasted wood, with fruit, spice and chocolate notes.
Finish Warm, lingering sherry.SKU: 5011007022464 -
Irish Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Jameson Irish Whiskey 1L
Established on Dublin’s Bow Street in 1780, John Jameson set about creating the world’s most loved Irish whiskey. For the next 200 years there was always a descendant of John Jameson working for the company, with each generation building on the success of the last. The Bow Street Distillery finally closed in 1975, with its operations moving to Midleton, Co. Cork.
Whiskey Type Pot still whiskey and grain whiskey. Cask Type Matured in American bourbon barrels and Spanish sherry butts. Volume 700ml Alcohol % 40% Nose Mellow pot still whiskey and toasted wood with oloroso sherry undertones. Taste Smooth, sweet wood with nutty notes. Finish Exceptionally smooth. SKU: 5011007003227 -
Irish Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Jameson Irish Whiskey- 4.5Litres
Triple distilled, twice as smooth, one of a kind.
Jameson Irish Whiskey is a blended Irish whiskey. What’s that we hear you say. Well first we take the best of pot still and fine grain whiskeys. Then we triple distil them – not because we have to because we want to as it gives it its signature smoothness. Finally, we age them in oak casks for a minimum of 4 years.
SKU: 5011007021160 -
Irish Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Triple distilled, twice as smooth, one of a kind.
Jameson Irish Whiskey is a blended Irish whiskey. What’s that we hear you say. Well first we take the best of pot still and fine grain whiskeys. Then we triple distil them – not because we have to because we want to as it gives it its signature smoothness. Finally, we age them in oak casks for a minimum of 4 years.
SKU: 5011007003654 -
Spirits, Whiskey
JIM BEAM® – Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey -750ml
The World’s
#1 Bourbon.Damn good bourbon
Elegant. Smooth. Refined. That’s what 4 years of aging in newly charred American white oak barrels does to our bourbon. But every drop is worth the effort, and we love the idea of sticking to our great-great-grandfather’s recipe.
Since 1795, Jim Beam has been crafted by the Beam family and distilled with a strong sense of family values. Seven generations later, it’s still made with those same values and aged twice as long as the law requires. Perhaps that’s why, today, Jim Beam stands as the World’s #1 Bourbon.
SKU: 8068600140 -
Rum, Spirits
Myers’s Original Dark Rum -750ml
Myers’s Rum is produced from pure sugarcane juice that is boiled into molasses, fermented, and expertly distilled using both continuous and pot sill distillation methods. After distillation, the rum is matured for up to four years in white oak barrels. … Spice up your tiki cocktails with Myers’s® original dark rum.
SKU: 8700000713 -
Single Malt Scotch Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Old Smuggler – 750ml
Old Smuggler is a Scottish blend of whisky with a unique taste attributed to the blend of forty grain and malt whiskeys from the Scottish Highlands, Lowlands and Islay. Its specific blending from the finest Scotch whiskies gives it a fine, smooth taste.
Old Smuggler was so named in honour of the 18th Century smugglers who went through it all to make it an exception for their consumers.
Origin Scotland Size 700ml Bottle SKU: 5010496001769-1 -
Cognac, Spirits
An audacious combination. Martell Blue Swift is a spirit drink made of cognac VSOP then finished in Kentucky Bourbon casks.
Product Discovery
The Colour
Copper with golden highlights.
The Aroma
Gourmet notes of banana and caramelised pear introduce the subtle sweetness of vanilla, coconut and spices.
The Taste
A sensation of fullness and generosity with notes of ginger and candied fruit, followed by distinctive hints of toasted oak from the Kentucky bourbon casks.
In 1783, Martell was the first Maison to ship cognac to the United States. Today, Martell celebrates this history with another first: Martell Blue Swift, the first-ever spirit drink made of cognac VSOP and then finished in bourbon casks.
Through Martell’s signature distillation process, the eaux-de-vie absorbs the rich aromatic tones of the bourbon cask. The result is Martell’s hallmark style – delicate notes of candied fruit and plum – complemented by the subtle sweetness of vanilla and toasted oak from the casks. Exceptionally smooth, with a rounded taste and unique character.
Serving Tips
Martell Cocktail & Mist
This ritual gives drinkers the opportunity to mist their choice of three atomisedflavoursover their Martell cocktail to enhance the flavour.
Suggested Serve
A Sazerac based Martell cocktail on a serving tray with 3 atomisers containing flavours that complement the drink. Use Martell Blue Swift as the base for your cocktail.
Enjoy on its own, over ice, lengthened with a mixer or as a cocktail, especially a Julep – the Mint Julep made with Martell Blue Swift.
SKU: 3219820006070 -
Cognac, Spirits
Smooth and fruity, the Martell VS Single Distillery cognac is great for cocktails. From a single distillation source for a richer cognac experience.
Product Discovery
The Colour
Rich, clear gold.
The Aroma
Intense aromas of plum, apricot and candied lemon.
The Taste
The luscious fruity notes associated with Martell are taken to new heights with this supremely smooth blend.
Martell VS Single Distillery combines spirits from a single distillation source in France’s Cognac region for a richer and more intense expression of the Martell distillation style. Martell is the only great cognac house to double distill exclusively clear wines, from which all sediments have been removed, in order to preserve the authentic fruity aromas of the grapes and reveal their incredible subtlety. These are hallmarks of the Martell style.
Serving Tips
A great cognac to enjoy in long drinks or cocktails.
SKU: 3219820000078 -
Scotch Whiskey, Whiskey
Dalwhinnie -15 years old 750ml
Dalwhinnie 15yo is a good introduction to the delights of single malt whisky – elegant, smooth and medium-bodied, with a light, fruity palate and a whiff of heather on the finish. Part of Diageo’s Classic Malt range.A great single malt Scotch whisky, and excellent value for money too. The flavours are simple, but flawless, a clean, crisp 15 year old from the Dalwhinnie Distillery, also part of Diageo’s Classic Malts range.SKU: 5000281002880 -
Scotch Whiskey, Whiskey
Drambuie Scotch Whiskey 1 litre
Drambuie /dræmˈbuːi/ is a golden-coloured, 40% ABV liqueur made from Scotch whisky, heather honey, herbs and spices. The brand was owned by the MacKinnon family for a hundred years but was bought by William Grant & Sons in 2014.SKU: 5010391101007 -
Cognac, Spirits
VSOP Matured in Red Barrels
VSOP Matured in Red Barrels
A cognac with subtle aromas. The Martell VSOP Aged in Red Barrels is a perfect harmony of luscious fruit and refined wood overtones.
Product Discovery
The Color
Warm copper with glints of gold.
The Aroma
Intense aromas of ripe yellow fruit: mirabelle plum, greengage, apricot and vine peach.
The Taste
Luscious fruit notes fuse deliciously with hints of wood and soft spices from the red barrels, creating an impression of elegance and perfect balance.
‘Red’ is a reference to the reddish colour of aged oak. These barrels, crafted from fine-grained oak, have already been used to age eaux-de-vie and have reached the perfect stage of maturity before being selected for this cognac. Martell VSOP Aged in Red Barrels perfectly highlights Martell’s unique aging style.
Serving Tips
A cognac to enjoy neat, on ice, or in long drinks and cocktails.
SKU: 3219820005882 -
Cognac, Spirits
Martell XO Cognac
Power and intensity. Combining the characteristic of Grande and Petite Champagne, the Martell XO cognac has the taste of tradition. The audacious classic lives on.
Martell XO is instantly identifiable for its intense taste and bold, contemporary design. Blending the power of eaux-de-vie from Grande Champagne with the elegance of the rare Borderies terroir, this prestigious cognac has a bold and charismatic personality, which is reflected in the striking arch of its bottle.
The Color
Golden amber with dark copper and mahogany highlights.
The Aroma
Spicy notes of black and pink pepper and coriander, rounded out by rich aromas of fig, walnut and sandalwood.
The Taste
Intense notes of fig, red fruit and blackcurrant bud give full expression to the power and finesse of eaux-de-vie from Grande Champagne, leading into an exceptionally long and robust finish.
SKU: 3219820006186 -
Scotch Whiskey, Single Malt Scotch Whiskey, Whiskey
Scapa the Orcadian 16 Year old 700ml
Fruity sweet on the nose with notes of soft peach, pineapple, vanilla intermingled with subtle bonfire smoke. Peach and ripe pear flavours and creamy caramel toffee and vanilla balanced perfectly with soft smoke. The finish is very long an markedly smoky.SKU: 5000299607091 -
Scotch Whiskey, Whiskey
Strathisla -12Years old 1 litre
This Strathisla 12 year old single malt Scotch Whisky is described as a rather classic Whisky. Peat smoke covers its light facets of apricots and nutty sounds which provide an incorruptible pure pleasure. You should have this single malt handy at all times. Satisfaction guaranteed!
SKU: 5000299603420 -
Brandy, Spirits
Viceroy is a wonderfully matured brandy. It’s matured to a higher standard than other brandies, making it one of the world’s great tastes in brandy. This 5-year-old Viceroy Liqueur Brandy was launched in 1940 and is produced at The Van Ryn Brandy Distillery in Vlottenburg, Stellenbosch.
Steeped in rich brandy-making history since 1845, Jan van Ryn established the Van Ryn Wine and Spirit Company near Cape Town. Using high quality grapes, the brandy is matured in French oak barrels to achieve a smooth brandy.
The 5-year old brandy is created through a dedicated process, using the true art of craftsmanship.
SKU: 6001496011796 -
Spirits, Whiskey
Old Smuggler Whisky 750ml
Old Smuggler is a blend of whisky with a unique, fine and smooth taste attributed to the blend of forty grain and malt whiskeys. Old Smuggler is a Scottish blend of whisky with a unique taste attributed to the blend of forty grain and malt whiskeys from the Scottish Highlands, Lowlands and Islay.
SKU: 5010327605005