- Amani Bay Smooth Red is a South African wine classified as red wine. It contains 12.5% ABV (alcohol by volume). It is offered in 750 ml
Showing 1–24 of 45 results
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Chivas Regal Aged 18Years – 700ml
Complex – Rich – Luxurious
Chivas 18 holds an incredible 85 unique flavour notes in every drop. Uniquely rich and complex, this 18-year-old blended Scotch whisky has won both awards and hearts of whisky-lovers across the world. Because success is a blend, in life and in Scotch.SKU: 5000299225028 -
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Chivas Regal Aged 25Years – 700ml
Chivas 12 is smooth, rich and generous. It’s a blend of the finest malt and grain whiskies matured for at least 12 years, that deliver luxurious honey, vanilla and ripe apple notes.
Because blended is better, in life and in Scotch.SKU: 5000299284926 -
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits
The Dalmore -Aged 15 years
The Dalmore 15 year old is smooth, rich and well rounded; the epitome of The Dalmore house style. It is initially matured for 12 years in American white oak ex-bourbon casks then split between Amoroso, Apostoles and Matusalem oloroso for three.
SKU: 5013967005006 -
Spirits, Tequila
KAHLUA Coffee Liqueur – The Original 700ml
Originating in Mexico in 1936, Kahlúa is a coffee liqueur loved all around the world. Used in a range of different drinks—from coffees to cocktails—it goes hand in hand with many occasions. Classic cocktails, like the White Russian, Espresso Martini and Black Russian just wouldn’t be the same without it.
With its enticing caramel colour, Kahlúa coffee liqueur boasts the deep, rich flavor of real black coffee, roasted chestnut and indulgent sweet butter.
SKU: 7610594252148 -
Spirits, Tequila
Zappa Sambuca Blue – 750ml
Zappa Sambuca is well known for its vibrant colours and consumers have enjoyed Zappa’s warming aniseed flavour for decades. Zappa is consumed primarily as a shooter but can be enjoyed as a long drink with lemonade or in cocktails.
Please Enjoy Responsibly.
SKU: 6001812500027 -
Spirits, Tequila
Zappa Sambuca Red – 750ml
Zappa Sambuca is well known for its vibrant colours and consumers have enjoyed Zappa’s warming aniseed flavour for decades. Zappa is consumed primarily as a shooter but can be enjoyed as a long drink with lemonade or in cocktails.
Please Enjoy Responsibly.
SKU: 6001812500034 -
Gin, Spirits
The World’s Favourite (and award-winning) London Dry Gin 37.5% ABV
Gordon’s London Dry Gin is made with only the finest botanicals, all carefully distilled to create its distinctively refreshing taste.
Bold, juniper-led, with zesty notes of citrus and super smooth texture. It’s no wonder the world’s best-selling gin is also a multiple gold award-winning gin.
Same great award-winning gin as the classic green Gordon’s bottle. Not long after we started bottling in the early 1900’s, we had our first big order of Gordon’s to be sent to Australia! To mark the occasion we designed a new export label which we still use today.
SKU: 5000289020701 -
Aviation American Gin 750ml
Seven ingredients are used for flavoring, which are steeped in grain spirit for 48 hours,[7] then re-distilled in a custom-built, 400-gallon pot still. Off the still, Aviation is about 140 U.S. proof, and deionized Cascade mountain (Tap) water brings it down to 84 proof before bottling. Master distiller Christian Krogstad credits natural ingredients and his still’s low reflux for Aviation’s purported bright flavor
SKU: 5350700002 -
The Botanist Gin is a versatile mixing gin in the sense that it works well and delivers a classic gin flavor to most any cocktail; however some of that nuance and aromatic layers that can be tasted neat don’t quite come through. Well that is on any except The Martini, which I wholeheartedly recommend with this gin.SKU: 5055807400596 -
Scotch Whiskey, Whiskey
Dalwhinnie -15 years old 750ml
Dalwhinnie 15yo is a good introduction to the delights of single malt whisky – elegant, smooth and medium-bodied, with a light, fruity palate and a whiff of heather on the finish. Part of Diageo’s Classic Malt range.A great single malt Scotch whisky, and excellent value for money too. The flavours are simple, but flawless, a clean, crisp 15 year old from the Dalwhinnie Distillery, also part of Diageo’s Classic Malts range.SKU: 5000281002880