
Gilbey’s Pink (Mixed Berries) 750ml


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Gilbey’s pink gin is excellently crafted to stabilize the revitalizing taste of Gilbey’s with the natural sweetness of strawberries and raspberries. The blend pours with beautiful blushing pink color. On the nose is a distinctively savoury. The palate is assertive and sharp, with lots of classic gin botanicals. Complement your pink gin with some sweet strawberries and tonic.



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Gilbey’s pink gin is excellently crafted to stabilize the revitalizing taste of Gilbey’s with the natural sweetness of strawberries and raspberries. The blend pours with beautiful blushing pink color. On the nose is a distinctively savoury. The palate is assertive and sharp, with lots of classic gin botanicals. Complement your pink gin with some sweet strawberries and tonic.


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