A premium vodka – with a crisp Apple taste.
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Scotch Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
All Seasons Reserve Whisky – 750ml
All Seasons whisky is a blended Indian whisky which indicates a combination of imported Scottish malts and neutral grain spirit. This effectively allows the makers to lower the prices by marrying the Scotch malts with locally produced neutral spirit.
SKU: 8908006354191 -
Rum, Spirits
Radico Contessa Dark Rum -12Years- 750ml
Contessa Blended Rum is produced by Radico Khaitan, also known for its 8PM whisky. This product has won awards at both the Monde Selection and the International Wine and Spirits Competition and is hugely popular with India’s military, the largest consumer of rum in the country. This rum is has been aged for 12 years and is full bodied with notes of cocoa, vanilla and dried fruits.
SKU: 8902147010121 -
Spirits, Whiskey
8pm Grain Blended Whisky – 750ml
8PM is a premium award-winning Indian Whisky brand. It is made from a mix of quality grains, a core that promises “thaath” (boldness and opulence). … The blending with fine scotch makes 8PM an extremely smooth whisky. The company, Rampur Distillery, owns other whisky brands, including Whytehall.
SKU: 8902147010923 -
Spirits, Whiskey
Iris 750ml
Iris Reserve Whisky is devoted to all the ardent lovers of Whisky. Every sip is a beautiful piece of art, matured painstaking in prestigious Oak Wood casks. The result is an exclusive and bountiful work of liquid art. Leaving a sashaying impression is unmatched smoothness, with its Peaty, Honey and Malty Finishing. Colour Iris Reserve Whisky has a complex Golden Fossil Yellow colour, which shines like the brightest of cut Sapphhire stones, packaged with a remarkable splendor. Nose Rich peaty overtones with distinct Malty traces laced with a subtle Woody character. Palate & Finish Iris Reserve Whisky has a Mature flavor which originates from the complexities of the Oak wood aroma texture. Floral, Peaty & Smokey are discovered on the palate. The finishing of the blends is extraordinarily smooth with a long-lasting, strikingly memorable taste.
SKU: 8906080740534 -
Scotch Whiskey, Whiskey
Imperial Blue Whiskey 750ml
India. One of the world’s best-selling whiskies, Imperial Blue is a superior blend of Indian grain spirits and imported Scotch malts. Launched in India in 1997, its exceptional smoothness is now appreciated by whisky connoisseurs worldwide.
Imperial Blue whisky is a perfect blend of fine Indian grain spirits and imported Scotch malts. … The whisky’s palate is made of caramel, lemon juice, and sweetener, offering a short finish and very little alcohol burn on the lips and back of the throat.
SKU: 745110424901