
Imperial Blue Whiskey 750ml

India. One of the world’s best-selling whiskies, Imperial Blue is a superior blend of Indian grain spirits and imported Scotch malts. Launched in India in 1997, its exceptional smoothness is now appreciated by whisky connoisseurs worldwide.

Imperial Blue whisky is a perfect blend of fine Indian grain spirits and imported Scotch malts. … The whisky’s palate is made of caramel, lemon juice, and sweetener, offering a short finish and very little alcohol burn on the lips and back of the throat.



India. One of the world’s best-selling whiskies, Imperial Blue is a superior blend of Indian grain spirits and imported Scotch malts. Launched in India in 1997, its exceptional smoothness is now appreciated by whisky connoisseurs worldwide.

Imperial Blue whisky is a perfect blend of fine Indian grain spirits and imported Scotch malts. … The whisky’s palate is made of caramel, lemon juice, and sweetener, offering a short finish and very little alcohol burn on the lips and back of the throat.

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