Hunter’s Gold is an all-natural apple cider with a distinctively crisp taste. It is refreshingly sweet, balanced with the full-flavoured taste of fine apples. Hunter’s Gold is best served chilled to enjoy its sparkling refreshment.
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Scotch Whiskey, Whiskey
Dalwhinnie -15 years old 750ml
Dalwhinnie 15yo is a good introduction to the delights of single malt whisky – elegant, smooth and medium-bodied, with a light, fruity palate and a whiff of heather on the finish. Part of Diageo’s Classic Malt range.A great single malt Scotch whisky, and excellent value for money too. The flavours are simple, but flawless, a clean, crisp 15 year old from the Dalwhinnie Distillery, also part of Diageo’s Classic Malts range.SKU: 5000281002880 -
Scotch Whiskey, Whiskey
Imperial Blue Whiskey 750ml
India. One of the world’s best-selling whiskies, Imperial Blue is a superior blend of Indian grain spirits and imported Scotch malts. Launched in India in 1997, its exceptional smoothness is now appreciated by whisky connoisseurs worldwide.
Imperial Blue whisky is a perfect blend of fine Indian grain spirits and imported Scotch malts. … The whisky’s palate is made of caramel, lemon juice, and sweetener, offering a short finish and very little alcohol burn on the lips and back of the throat.
SKU: 745110424901 -
Scotch Whiskey, Single Malt Scotch Whiskey, Whiskey
Scapa the Orcadian 16 Year old 700ml
Fruity sweet on the nose with notes of soft peach, pineapple, vanilla intermingled with subtle bonfire smoke. Peach and ripe pear flavours and creamy caramel toffee and vanilla balanced perfectly with soft smoke. The finish is very long an markedly smoky.SKU: 5000299607091