Macmohan indian whisky is a Indian whisky classified as indian whisky. It contains 42.8% ABV (alcohol by volume).
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Scotch Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
All Seasons Reserve Whisky – 750ml
All Seasons whisky is a blended Indian whisky which indicates a combination of imported Scottish malts and neutral grain spirit. This effectively allows the makers to lower the prices by marrying the Scotch malts with locally produced neutral spirit.
SKU: 8908006354191 -
Spirits, Whiskey
8pm Grain Blended Whisky – 750ml
8PM is a premium award-winning Indian Whisky brand. It is made from a mix of quality grains, a core that promises “thaath” (boldness and opulence). … The blending with fine scotch makes 8PM an extremely smooth whisky. The company, Rampur Distillery, owns other whisky brands, including Whytehall.
SKU: 8902147010923 -
Spirits, Whiskey
Iris 750ml
Iris Reserve Whisky is devoted to all the ardent lovers of Whisky. Every sip is a beautiful piece of art, matured painstaking in prestigious Oak Wood casks. The result is an exclusive and bountiful work of liquid art. Leaving a sashaying impression is unmatched smoothness, with its Peaty, Honey and Malty Finishing. Colour Iris Reserve Whisky has a complex Golden Fossil Yellow colour, which shines like the brightest of cut Sapphhire stones, packaged with a remarkable splendor. Nose Rich peaty overtones with distinct Malty traces laced with a subtle Woody character. Palate & Finish Iris Reserve Whisky has a Mature flavor which originates from the complexities of the Oak wood aroma texture. Floral, Peaty & Smokey are discovered on the palate. The finishing of the blends is extraordinarily smooth with a long-lasting, strikingly memorable taste.
SKU: 8906080740534 -
Scotch Whiskey, Whiskey
Imperial Blue Whiskey 750ml
India. One of the world’s best-selling whiskies, Imperial Blue is a superior blend of Indian grain spirits and imported Scotch malts. Launched in India in 1997, its exceptional smoothness is now appreciated by whisky connoisseurs worldwide.
Imperial Blue whisky is a perfect blend of fine Indian grain spirits and imported Scotch malts. … The whisky’s palate is made of caramel, lemon juice, and sweetener, offering a short finish and very little alcohol burn on the lips and back of the throat.
SKU: 745110424901