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Absolut Citron – 750ml
Absolut Citron is a lemon-flavored vodka made from natural ingredients, including Swedish winter wheat and natural lemon extract. It is distilled continuously in Åhus, Sweden, and bottled at 40% ABV.
Absolut Citron has a fresh, citrusy flavor with notes of lemon zest, lemon juice, and a hint of lemon peel. It is smooth and slightly sweet, with a long, lingering finish.
Absolut Citron is a versatile vodka that can be enjoyed on its own, chilled, or over ice. It is also a popular ingredient in cocktails, such as the Cosmopolitan, the Lemon Drop Martini, and the Kamikaze.
Here is a more detailed description of the flavor profile of Absolut Citron:
- Primary flavors: Lemon zest, lemon juice
- Secondary flavors: Hint of lemon peel, citrus
- Finish: Long, lingering lemon flavor
Absolut Citron is a great choice for those who enjoy citrusy cocktails. It is also a good option for those who are new to vodka, as it is smooth and flavorful.
Here are some suggestions for how to enjoy Absolut Citron:
- On its own: Chill or pour over ice and enjoy.
- In cocktails: Absolut Citron is a popular ingredient in many cocktails, such as the Cosmopolitan, the Lemon Drop Martini, and the Kamikaze. You can also use it to make your own creative cocktails.
- In cooking: Absolut Citron can also be used in cooking to add a citrusy flavor to dishes. For example, you can use it to make a lemon vinaigrette or to marinate chicken or fish.
No matter how you choose to enjoy it, Absolut Citron is a delicious and refreshing vodka.
SKU: 7312040090754