Showing all 15 results
Glenfiddich 12 yrs 1L
Matured in fine oloroso sherry and bourbon casks for 12 years, this special whisky is the perfect example of the unique speyside style. This 12-year-old single malt whisky has a sweet, fruity taste with notes of pear, butterscotch, cream, and oak with a long, smooth, mellow finish.
SKU: 5010327302201 -
Glenfiddich 18yrs 700ml
Glenfiddich 18 Years whisky is dark gold in color. The whisky has a remarkably rich aroma with ripe orchard fruit, baked apple and robust oak. It richly delivers luxurious taste of dried fruit , candy peel and dates. It is overlaid with elegant oaky notes.
SKU: 5010327325323 -
Southern Comfort 700ml
Southern Comfort Whisky is a unique combination of flavours in Southern Comfort makes it a versatile mixer, as well as a great tasting spirit to savour on its own. Unique flavour that captures the essence of the American South. Core Whisky notes and iconic fruit and spice accents.
SKU: n/a -
Single Malt Scotch Whiskey, Whiskey
The Glenlivet Founders Reserve 700ml
Founder’s Reserve is a wonderfully smooth and creamy dram which has been aged in First Fill American Oak Casks, which retains a balance with the zesty flavours. There is no age statement on these bottles, just like the very earliest bottles of The Glenlivet.
SKU: 5000299609347 -
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Chivas Regal Aged 18Years – 700ml
Complex – Rich – Luxurious
Chivas 18 holds an incredible 85 unique flavour notes in every drop. Uniquely rich and complex, this 18-year-old blended Scotch whisky has won both awards and hearts of whisky-lovers across the world. Because success is a blend, in life and in Scotch.SKU: 5000299225028 -
Scotch Whiskey, Spirits, Whiskey
Chivas Regal Aged 25Years – 700ml
Chivas 12 is smooth, rich and generous. It’s a blend of the finest malt and grain whiskies matured for at least 12 years, that deliver luxurious honey, vanilla and ripe apple notes.
Because blended is better, in life and in Scotch.SKU: 5000299284926 -
Makers Mark Whisky – 75cl Kentucky Straight Bourbon
This one changed the way we think of bourbon, all because one man changed the way he thought about making it. Bill Samuels, Sr., simply wanted a whisky he would enjoy drinking. Never bitter or sharp, Maker’s Mark® is made with soft red winter wheat, instead of the usual rye, for a one-of-a-kind, full-flavored bourbon that’s easy to drink. To ensure consistency, we rotate every barrel by hand and age our bourbon to taste, not time. Each and every bottle of Maker’s® is still hand-dipped in our signature red wax at our distillery in Loretto, Ky., just like Bill, Sr., would have wanted.
Tasting Notes
AROMAWoody oak, caramel, vanilla and wheat prevail in the nose
TASTESweet and balanced with caramel, vanilla and fruity essences
FINISHSmooth and subtle
Take a deeper dive into Maker’s Mark Bourbon
SKU: 085246139431