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Spirits, Vodka
Skyy Vodka Raspberry 750ml
Skyy Infusions Raspberry is a true summer drink!
Skyy Infusions Raspberry combines mild vodka with the sweet flavour of raspberries. After the vodka has been quadruple-distilled and triple-filtered, the 100% natural aroma is infused with a special method.
Thanks to its fresh aroma, the crystal clear vodka can be enjoyed either neat, „on the rocks“ or in cocktails and mixed drinks.
With fresh floral notes and a finish reminiscent of puréed raspberries, Skyy Vodka Raspberry wins with a perfect combination of sweet and acid components. The luscious raspberry flavour is a great addition to fresh summer drinks.
Enjoy Skyy Infusions Raspberry in a summery cocktail!
Below you find one of many cocktail recipes based on Skyy Vodka Raspberry Vodka:
Ingredients :
- 60 ml Skyy Infusions Raspberry
- 30 ml Midori Melon Liqueur
- 45 ml cranberry juice
Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass. Add some ice and shake vigorously. Then, strain into a pre-chilled martini glass. Garnish with a wide lemon twist.
SKU: 721059637503