Showing all 7 results
Balozi Can 500ml
Balozi Beer is a premium Kenyan lager crafted to deliver a smooth, refreshing taste perfect for any occasion. Brewed with locally sourced ingredients, Balozi offers a clean, crisp flavor with a balanced blend of malt and subtle hops. Its light golden color, medium body, and mild bitterness make it a versatile choice for both casual gatherings and celebratory moments. Balozi Beer is known for its consistent quality and refreshing finish, ideal for pairing with a variety of Kenyan dishes or enjoying on its own.
Key Features:
• ABV: 4.2% – light and sessionable
• Taste: Clean, refreshing with a hint of hops
• Ingredients: Locally sourced barley and pure Kenyan water
• Serving Size: Available in both bottles and cans for convenienceSKU: 6161101606011 -
Heineken 0.0 Non-Alcoholic Beer Can 500ml
Heineken 0.0 Non-Alcoholic Beer Can 500ml
Heineken 0.0 is a premium non-alcoholic lager crafted with the same quality ingredients as the original, offering a refreshing, balanced taste with 0.0% ABV. It’s the perfect choice for those who want the Heineken experience without the alcohol.Country of Origin:
Brewed in the Netherlands, Heineken 0.0 reflects over a century of brewing expertise.Tasting Notes:
- Appearance: Clear golden color with a light, foamy head.
- Aroma: Mild malt and hop notes with a hint of citrus.
- Flavor: Crisp and clean with subtle malt sweetness and a refreshing, dry finish.
SKU: 8712000053819 -
Heineken Lager Beer Can 500ml
Heineken Lager Beer Can 500ml
Heineken Lager is a world-famous premium beer with a crisp, clean taste and a balanced bitterness. Brewed with the finest malted barley, hops, and Heineken’s signature A-Yeast, it offers a refreshing drinking experience with 5.0% ABV.Country of Origin:
Brewed in the Netherlands, Heineken is a symbol of Dutch brewing excellence and quality since 1873.SKU: 8712000900663 -
Hunters Cider Dry 330ml
Distinctive crisp apple flavour. Hunters Dry, refreshes like nothing on earth. Hunters Dry is synonymous with family, friends and good times. Hunters is a premium, pure, thirst quenching natural cider that consistently delivers the ultimate refreshment.
SKU: 6001108055187 -