Captain Morgan Gold is smooth and medium bodied with a bright amber color. It is curated with an expert blend of natural flavors, spices and refined Caribbean rum. On the nose are aromas of brown sugar, vanilla, dried fruit, warming spices and delicate hints of oak. It has a perfect balance on the palate and the finish is nice and smooth. Served best in a tankard over ice, with cola and a slice of lime.
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Rum, Spirits
Captain Morgan Jamaica Rum -750ml
The Captain’s Dark Rum isn’t just any old seafarer’s grog.
To create the perfect dark rum to keep the Captain’s men going across the seven seas, Captain Morgan Dark Rum is aged for at least two years in charred oak barrels for that heavenly oak finish, before being blended according to our very own secret recipe.
The smooth, rich and oaky taste of Captain Morgan Dark Rum makes it the perfect tipple to be drunk neat or moored on the rocks.
For a real rum punch, you can mix into one of the Captain’s favourite dark rum cocktails. Mix with ginger ale for a simple yet delicious concoction the Captain calls his Captain’s Storm or go all out and mix with Captain Morgan Coconut Rum and orange liqueur to create his marvelous Mai Tai.
SKU: 8700000693 -
Rum, Spirits
Myers’s Original Dark Rum -750ml
Myers’s Rum is produced from pure sugarcane juice that is boiled into molasses, fermented, and expertly distilled using both continuous and pot sill distillation methods. After distillation, the rum is matured for up to four years in white oak barrels. … Spice up your tiki cocktails with Myers’s® original dark rum.
SKU: 8700000713 -
Tia Maria Coffee Liqueur 700ml
Tia Maria is sweet, with bitter coffee and strong vanilla notes, and hints of caramel and citrus. It has more depth and tastes smoother and more refined than Kahlua, with a stronger coffee flavor.Tia Maria is a dark liqueur made originally in Jamaica using Jamaican coffee beans, but now made in Italy. The main ingredients are coffee beans, Jamaican rum, vanilla, and sugar, blended to an alcoholic content of 20%.SKU: 5012523233129