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Best Gin 750ml
Best Gin 750ml is a popular gin brand known for its quality and distinctive flavor profile. Here’s a detailed description:
- Color: Clear and transparent, typical of a classic gin.
- Viscosity: Smooth and clean, with a slight viscosity that suggests a well-crafted spirit.
- Nose: Aromas of juniper berries dominate, which is characteristic of gin, complemented by hints of citrus zest, coriander, and a subtle blend of botanical notes such as angelica root, orris root, and perhaps a touch of floral or herbal elements like lavender or rosemary.
- Palate: Crisp and refreshing, with the bold presence of juniper balanced by the zesty citrus flavors. The mid-palate reveals more complex botanical flavors, including earthy and spicy notes from ingredients like coriander and cardamom, and a touch of sweetness from licorice or angelica root.
- Mouthfeel: Smooth and slightly oily, providing a satisfying texture that coats the palate without being overly heavy.
- Aftertaste: Clean and lingering finish with a pleasant warmth. The juniper and citrus notes fade slowly, leaving a refreshing and slightly herbal aftertaste.
- Mixers: Ideal for classic gin cocktails such as gin and tonic, martini, negroni, or gimlet. It also pairs well with premium tonic waters, fresh herbs like mint or basil, and citrus garnishes like lime or lemon.
- Food Pairing: Complements light appetizers, seafood, grilled vegetables, and cheese platters.
- Temperature: Best served chilled or over ice to enhance its refreshing qualities.
- Glassware: Typically served in a highball glass for gin and tonic or a martini glass for classic cocktails.
- Bottle Size: 750 ml, standard spirit bottle size. The bottle design is usually sleek and elegant, reflecting the premium nature of the gin.
Best Gin 750ml is an excellent choice for gin enthusiasts and cocktail lovers, offering a versatile and balanced flavor profile that works well in a variety of drinks. Its quality and consistency make it a staple in many home bars and professional establishments.
SKU: 6161100421561 -
Cognac, Whiskey
Hennessy V.S expresses its vibrant and dynamic personality through unique artist partnerships and annual limited editions. Easy to enjoy, it’s a perfect cognac for high-energy occasions and sharing the moment. The round and robust flavours of Hennessy V.S make it very versatile and ideal for any cocktail possibility.
SKU: n/a -
Aviation American Gin 750ml
Seven ingredients are used for flavoring, which are steeped in grain spirit for 48 hours,[7] then re-distilled in a custom-built, 400-gallon pot still. Off the still, Aviation is about 140 U.S. proof, and deionized Cascade mountain (Tap) water brings it down to 84 proof before bottling. Master distiller Christian Krogstad credits natural ingredients and his still’s low reflux for Aviation’s purported bright flavor
SKU: 5350700002 -
Scotch Whiskey, Whiskey
Drambuie Scotch Whiskey 1 litre
Drambuie /dræmˈbuːi/ is a golden-coloured, 40% ABV liqueur made from Scotch whisky, heather honey, herbs and spices. The brand was owned by the MacKinnon family for a hundred years but was bought by William Grant & Sons in 2014.SKU: 5010391101007 -
Sipsmith Dry Gin 750ml
Sipsmith London Dry Gin is classic on the nose, but distinctive in its own right. Orange zest dripped with warmed orange blossom honey lends complexity to a nose that has a traditional piney juniper with slight hints of angelica root musk and licorice. The palate of Sipsmith Gin unfolds in three waves.SKU: 5060204340000