Showing all 2 results
Martini Bianco-750Ml
Martini Bianco is a fine blend of Italian white wine infused with herbs and sweet floral botanicals and produces an aromatic yet delicate drink with notes of vanilla and citrus.
Drink over ice with soda and a slice of lemon – the perfect Italian spritzer!
Martini is a true Italian icon. Established in 1863, Martini has a strong family heritage and has become the most acclaimed and cosmopolitan Italian drinks brand in the world.
SKU: 5010677924009 -
Martini Rosso-750Ml
Martini Rosso
Hailing from Turin, this sweet Italian vermouth was created in the 1862s by Martini Rosso. It is made from wine that is infused with various botanicals such as plants, barks, or flowers. The macerate of the botanicals is added together with caramel, which gives the drink its distinguishing red color. Martini Rosso is slightly sweet, incredibly aromatic, and has a distinctive herbal finish that is accompanied by a subtle bitterness.
This common European aperitif, which is ideally served over ice, is best known for its use in cocktails, primarily the acclaimed Manhattan, Negroni, and Americano. The drink also pairs well with tonic and soda water.SKU: 5010677914000